You cornered my Battle Sheep!
Easily one of our favorite games here at Out of This World, Battlesheep is a game of strategy and skill where you try to move your sheep around the pasture and take control of the board, all while trying to limit your opponents' ability to do the same. Use the shape of the board to your advantage - if you can corner your opponents' flock of sheep and prevent them from moving, you increase your chances of controlling the pasture.
Each round a player can move any number of sheep from their flock across the board (always leaving at least one sheep on the previously occupied tile) - all the way across in a straight line until they hit either a border of the pasture or another sheep already in play. Decide if you'll move your whole flock or just a few, but don't let them get blocked into a corner! The player controlling the most pasture tiles at the end wins!