"Seeing is believing." A cliche, perhaps, but it accurately describes the compelling 3-D illusions produced by Mirage®, from Opti-Gone International. This is the original "mirage" and is made in the USA. There are copies made overseas but they are not very good quality.
Mirage® produces a small, full-color hologram of natural, lifelike appearance, allowing 360-degree viewing.
To achieve these effects, the Mirage® utilizes a patented technology of two concealed, opposing parabolic mirrors. In overall appearance, Mirage® resembles a small wok with a 2-inch circular opening in the top. The physical object to be converted to a hologram is placed in the concave center of the bottom mirror. A hologram instantly projects up through this aperature, appearing to the viewer as a truly solid object.
The marvels of this nine inch diameter device are numerous: